South Fort Street/West Bowling Green Street PAN Application 14/04538/PAN

(See also draft minutes for LCCC January meeting, to be added to meeting papers page.)

EMA architects have provided the following comments and drawings about this application. Click the graphics to show full-size PDF versions:

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  1. It was advised that there had been a previous scheme submitted for the site, consisting of colony houses. EMA confirmed they were aware of a previous planning application on a neighbouring site to the north (ref 11/04095/FUL) and that it had been withdrawn in Feb 2012.
  2. A query was raised regarding the omission of any commercial or light industrial space from the proposals. EMA noted that although guidance within the Bonnington Development Brief required development sites to include areas for new small businesses, the more recent LDP states that this is only a requirement for sites of more than 1 hectare, and therefore as the proposed site is only 0.365ha, the omission of commercial/light industrial space from the current proposals could be justified.
  3. Concerns were raised about the effect the increased population caused by the development would have on the local schools. EMA noted the concerns, and responded that on submission of a planning application the capacity of the local schools would considered by the council, who if necessary would request that a financial contribution be made by the land owner towards the expansion of the schools.
  4. A query was raised about the size of the development and whether it was confined to the one site. EMA confirmed that the application was only for the area of land highlighted on the plans, but that as the site sits within the area of major change outlined by the Bonnington Development Brief any proposals had to be considered within the larger council prepared masterplan.
  5. A query was raised as to why the open space shown on the current proposals was located to the north of the building. EMA noted the concern, but advised that positioning the building adjacent to the road was a requirement set out within the Bonnington Development Brief to provide frontage onto West Bowling Green Street.
  6. It was suggested that the car parking could be located underground to increase the amount of green space around the building. EMA noted that the possibility to increase the green space around the building would be beneficial, but that due to the constraints of the site and the proximity of The Water of Leith, the possibility of creating an underground car park was not economically viable.